Mental Health Treatment for Your Teen
Is your troubled teen in need of treatment? While mental health problems may range greatly in troubled teens, the one thing that is constant is that...

Teen Cutting: What a Parent Should Know
For decades, teenagers have found ways to express their uniqueness, rebellion, and angst. While no certain expression can be attributed to only one time,...

Talking Comfortably with Your Teen About Sex
Teen sex and teen pregnancy are two of the most uncomfortable topics for a parent to talk to their teen about. While there are, undoubtedly, some...

Narcissism In The Millennial Generation
Today’s teens are often referred to as the “me” generation, since it seems as though narcissism is a strong trend throughout the...

Is Your Teen Actually Addicted to Electronics?
Teens everywhere have proven to be suffering from severe electronic addictions. We’ve all had it happen. We say something to the teen whose...