The effects of teasing and bullying can be devastating to a teen and adversely affect his or her teen identity.

Teens could have feelings of anger, depression, confusion, humiliation, hurt and could even become suicidal or in need of therapy. No form of bullying should ever be tolerated and, if you’re a parent who has been asking yourself repeatedly “How can I get my teen help?” here are a few facts and tips on how your teen can be protected online, especially when engaged in social media, and how you can proceed without constantly wondering "How do I stop a bully?"

Teasing and bullying isn’t limited to just being on the streets or in school in our current age of technology. The invisible bully now engages in cyberbullying. Cyberbullies can attack individually or in groups. They can torment their victims day or night, 24/7. Cyberbullies have the ability to follow a victim wherever they go online and to expose their humiliation to thousands of other teens with just a couple of clicks of a mouse. Cyberbullying can even affect teens when they have gone away to college, making it more difficult for parents to intervene. 

Alarming Statistics

Statistics show that 70 percent of students have reported viewing repeated online bullying and almost 43% of teens have actually been the target of online bullying. One out of every four of them has suffered through more than one occurrence. And, an amazing 81 percent of teens feel that online bullying is much less difficult to get away with than in. 

No Response is the Best Revenge

The first thing to remember if your teen has become a victim of a cyberbullying is that he or she should never respond to posts or messages written about them on social media. The claims may be false and hurtful, but the situation will only become worse if the victim responds, plus it gives a bully satisfaction to see a reaction since that was their initial goal anyway. In addition, it is important that your teen resist the temptation to seek revenge as it will make the situation worse and could also result in serious legal consequences.  

What Can You Do as a Parent?

There are a number of methods for dealing with cyberbullying. For starters, you can:

  • Block the cyberbully’s email address, as well as any additional social media connections that he or she could use for contacting your teen
  • Report the activities to the bully’s Internet service provider or any web sites where the harmful messages or posts were shared
  • Report any sexual advances or threats of harm to the police
  • Save all evidence of bullying to provide to the police

Elevations RTC is a program that specializes in both therapy and excellent academics for teens. To find out more, call us at (855) 290-9681.

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