Residential Programs for Young Adults
Residential Programs for Struggling Young Adults, serving both men and women, are designed to support and assist the emerging young adult to transition from the troubled teenage years into adulthood. We highly recommend residential programs (sober living homes, independent living skills programs, and transitional living programs) for young adults who are struggling to "make it on their own" without the direct support of their parents (financial support).
TroubledTeenSearch.com presents the very best support for emerging, yet struggling troubled young adults. For more information about programs and centers designed to support the transitional phase of young adults consider the coaching provided by our Family Advocates. We are professionals, and have supported many families through this exact situation. We can help you locate the perfect option for your troubled young adult. Our job is to help you find affordable options that actually work. Perhaps we can get you a discount, scholarship, or find a way to fund portions of the program through your insurance.
By now, your young adult child should be out on her own making their way to a successful transition from the teenage years to adulthood. But why is your troubled young adult not able to support him or her self? So much has happened, the pain is immense, and the struggle is overwhelming. Know that you are not alone and we have some amazing options for you to consider. Call today!